• ARA Petroleum LLC

    P.O. Box 1127, Ruwi P.C. 112, Sultanate of Oman

  • +968 2250 4100

  • info@arapetroleum.com

  • ARA Petroleum LLC

    P.O. Box 1127, Ruwi P.C. 112, Sultanate of Oman

  • +968 2250 4100

  • info@arapetroleum.com

Environmental, Social, and Governance

ARA Petroelum aims to report comprehensively and transparently about ESG topics.

ARA is taking steps to be carbon neutral in its operations by 2030.

This is an ambitious goal but considered essential by the company and its employees. 

ARA is adopting a range of measures to achieve this goal. 

The measures and the expected CO2 reductions that are summarised below have been audited & verified by an independent consultant; these are as follows and are expected to reduce ARA’s CO2 emissions by 30% in 2023:

Solar Power

Solar Panels

One of the first initiatives is the conversion of the submersible pumps in many water supply wells to run on solar power.

This is estimated to reduce the carbon emission of

2,000 tonnes for the upcoming drilling campaigns.

Thermal Renewable Energy

ARA is planning to use a solar thermal renewable energy system in conjunction with a forward osmosis separation process to power the water desalination station.

This is estimated to reduce the carbon emission by approximately

600 tonnes per year.

Flared Gas Mitigation using Gas Burners & Gas to Power Engines

ARA plans to employ gas burners (for indirect heating) and gas to power engines. 

This initiative is expected to result in an approximate reduction of almost 1,000 tonnes of CO2 /year.
Electricity icon

Elimination of Diesel Generators (where possible) and

Construction & Expansion of the Overhead Electricity Distribution System

The overhead line project will power up some of the existing and upcoming wells and adjacent infrastructure and consequently will eliminate the use of diesel generators where possible.

The expected CO2 saving will be around
5,500 tonnes per annum

Associated gas network

ARA plans to build a gas infrastructure network which would eliminate the need for flaring in remote locations as well as enable production of otherwise stranded associated gas.

Once the network is in place ARA Petroleum will have a very low carbon intensity of only 3 kg CO2e/BOE.